My Books
CHOICES, Roaring Brook Press, download on Kindle here.
Available new and used from various sellers. Excerpt here.
"Sticky notes rim the mirror in rainbow colors. REMEMBER. DON’T FORGET HIM. READ THE NOTEBOOK. Remember what? Remember who? And what’s this about a notebook? There’s another note, bottom center of the mirror. THE DREAMS ARE REAL."
American Library Association Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
New York Public Library Books for the Teen Age list
Stellar Award winner (Canadian Literature of the Fantastic)
Sunburst Award finalist
Kirkus Reviews *Starred review*
POWERS, Roaring Brook Press, download on Kindle here. Available from third-party sellers as a paperback or original hardcover.
I let him take my hand. The cold blue flame in his eyes held me, seared me.
"Do you feel it?" he asked. "It's a warm tingle, isn't it? In your hands, moving up your arms, like a current."
"No." My hands tingled with warmth. It moved up my arms like a current.
THE SAME DIFFERENCE. Available here.
Casey had been home schooled, allowing her to help her parents with her sister, but she decided that she wanted to go to regular school in order to meet other teenagers and have a more normal life. In regular school, it quickly becomes apparent that although she is bright with an amazing memory, Casey is completely inept at judging people’s reactions and interpreting nonverbal clues